Astro Update – September
Skyward – September
Astro Update – August
Skyward – August
Astro Update – July
President’s Corner – June
Greetings, fellow Denver Astronomical Club members. I hope that the end of our rainy streak has enabled you to get out under relatively clear night skies and enjoy some long-overdue stargazing. I missed the spectacle of Mercury being higher in the sky than Venus, heading back outdoors apparently just a minute or two after Venus set.… Continue reading.
Skyward – July
Gravity is one of the most fundamental things in physics. Everything and everyone has gravity. The more massive something is, the more gravity it has. When you jump into the air, Earth’s gravity brings you back down.… Continue reading.
Meet Fellow DAS Member – David Chandler
By Mark Laurin
David Chandler has been an avid sky watcher for decades, and an active member of the Denver Astronomical Society. He’s also famous for inventing the Night Sky Planisphere, a ubiquitous star-finding tool that astronomers around the world use to spot stars and constellations in the night sky.
Astro Update – June
Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources
Ingenuity – The Mars helicopter Ingenuity completed its planned five test flights. The final one of these included landing at a new site that it had not touched before (though it took images of the site during its previous flight), and climbing to a record altitude of 33 feet.… Continue reading.