Night Sky Notes – May 2024: Starter Stargazing

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This article is distributed by NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN).

The NSN program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, and more!

By Kat Troche

Millions were able to experience the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, inspiring folks to become amateur astronomers – hooray!… Continue reading.

Skyward – May 2024

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by David H. Levy

A Total Eclipse of the Sun, part Two.

This is a story, not a report on observations.

On April 8, a total eclipse of the Sun tracked across Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Most of the United Staes enjoyed clear weather, and most of Canada did too.… Continue reading.

Observation report April 8, Richard and Lisa Siegel

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Submitting an observation report for April 8. Richard and Lisa Siegel went to Sherbrooke in Quebec to watch the full solar eclipse. Many pictures were taken, but in my opinion, these four “tell the story”.  We had no clouds and temperatures in the 50s so perfect eclipse watching weather.… Continue reading.

Jack Eastman goes eclipse viewing!

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Longtime DAS Member and Chief Observer Jack Eastman traveled to Poplar Bluff, Missouri via Texas, courtesy of his friend and caregiver Dave Zielsdorf, to see the April 8 solar eclipse. Jack took his antique 3.5″ Alvan Clark & Sons telescope (circa 1870), using the Herschel wedge to make projections during the partial phases, then doing direct observations through it during the total phase.… Continue reading.

Night Sky Notes – April 2024

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This article is distributed by NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN).

The NSN program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, and more!

Participate in Eclipse Science

By Kat Troche

April is NASA’s Citizen Science Month, and there is no shortage of projects available.… Continue reading.

Skyward for April 2024: A Total Eclipse of the Sun

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David H. Levy

As I am writing this April 2024 edition of Skyward, in less than a month there will be a total eclipse of the Sun. The Moon’s great shadow will trace a path across North America, including the United States, and Eastern Canada.… Continue reading.

The Astronomical League Has It All

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By Mike Hotka

Over the past few months, I have shared my observing process with you. This process is what I use today to plan, execute and record my observing outings.

A simple way to get started observing is to find a pre-made list of objects to observe and then, one by one, check the objects you observe off this list.… Continue reading.

Skyward March 2024: Mystical Thoughts about the Night Sky

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by David H. Levy

In the autumn of 1976, my first, “practice wife” and I visited Safed in northern Israel. In addition to being shown a 400-year-old Torah, we were introduced to the idea that Jewish mysticism, known as “Kabbalah”, got its start and flourished there.… Continue reading.

Constant Companions: Circumpolar Constellations, Part I

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This article is distributed by NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN).

The NSN program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, and more!

By Kat Troche

Winter in the northern hemisphere offers crisp, clear (and cold!)… Continue reading.

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