Skyward for February 2024

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David H. Levy

This month I have a story to tell.  A few nights ago two close friends from Plattsburgh, Ed Guenther and Wendy Gordon, enjoyed a very pleasant wintertime visit with me. During that time another close friend, David Rossetter, drove us to the Chiricahua Astronomy Complex in southeastern Arizona.… Continue reading.

When Technology Fails

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By Mike Hotka

In this continuing series of articles, I want to discuss contingency plans. When I am having trouble with my smart phone, you will often hear me say, “Technology is wonderful when it works!”. Those of us who are engineers, can make a living figuring out why specific technology is not working and getting it fixed for the end user.… Continue reading.

Personal Observing Goal Verification

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By Mike Hotka

At the end of last month’s article, I left you driving home from your observing location after a successful night of observing. Now I’ll discuss what I do after I get home. I have a few more tasks to do before I consider this observing session complete.… Continue reading.

Connecting the ‘Dots’ with Asterisms

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This article is distributed by NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN).

The NSN program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, and more!

By Kat Troche

In our December Night Sky Notes, we mentioned that the Orion constellation has a distinct hourglass shape that makes it easy to spot in the night sky.… Continue reading.

Skyward for January 2024

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By David H. Levy

This month let us explore one of the seminal galaxies in the nigh sky, NGC 253, Caroline Herschel’s galaxy. It shines deep in the southern portion of the sky, south of the bright star Beta Ceti and southeast of the even brighter star Fomalhaut.… Continue reading.

A Flame in the Sky – the Orion Nebula

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This article is distributed by NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN).

The NSN program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, and more!

By Kat Troche

It’s that time of year again: winter!… Continue reading.

Your Next Observing Outing

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By Mike Hotka

You are ready to drive to your chosen observing location. At this point, you have prepared the list of objects you will observe. You have been watching the weather of your observing location and picked a night that will be clear and transparent.… Continue reading.

Skyward – November ’23

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By David H. Levy

As a youngster growing up in Montreal, Canada in the early 1950s, I was impressed by the seeming simplicity of Montreal’s weather. It appeared to me as though there were just two kinds of weather, in wintertime a grey sky, and in summertime a blue sky.… Continue reading.

Night Sky Network, November ’23: Spy the Seventh Planet, Uranus

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This article is distributed by NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN).

The NSN program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, and more!

By Liz Kruesi

You might be familiar with Saturn as the solar system’s ringed planet, with its enormous amount of dust and ice bits circling the giant planet.… Continue reading.

AstroGroup Denver and DAS host Girl Scouts at Chamberlin

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Thank you to Denver Astronomical Society and Girl scout troop 67610 on September 22nd at DU’s Historic Chamberlin observatory! The event featured a presentation on different aspects of astronomy from Ersel Serdar, a member of AstroGroup Denver, DAS’s teen outreach group.… Continue reading.

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