Astro Update, January 2019

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Selected Summaries of Space News

by Don Lynn

Phobos Grooves Explained

Since the first close-up images were taken of the Martian moon Phobos decades ago, scientists have argued about why there are long grooves on its surface. Leading theories were that the moon cracked from an impact or from tidal forces.… Continue reading.

The Denver Observer Moves Online!

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Happy New Year, and welcome to the new home of the Denver Observer, the newsletter for the Denver Astronomical Society. This page is just getting started, but the trickle of posts (or “articles,” if you want to kick it old-school) will soon become a steady stream, and you’ll find the same content here that you used to see in the Observer’s PDF and printed versions.… Continue reading.

President’s Message, January 2019

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State of the Society

By Ron Hranac

You may recall that we hit a major membership milestone in 2017, passing the 500 mark for the first time ever. As of December 26, 2018, the count was a record 563, up from 502 at the same time in 2017, 457 at the end of 2016, 428 in 2015 and the high 300s in 2014.… Continue reading.

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