Astro Update – May

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Black Hole Magnetic Field – In 2019, astronomers unveiled the first ever picture of a black hole, or more precisely, the material surrounding the supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy M87.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – April

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources 

Earliest Cluster of Galaxies – When the first stars formed in the early Universe, essentially all of space was filled with neutral hydrogen gas. Much of the light emitted by these first stars was in the ultraviolet, but neutral hydrogen absorbs ultraviolet, obscuring observations of them.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – March

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Perseverance Lands – NASA’s latest planetary mission, a rover named Perseverance, landed on Mars February 18. The rover weighs over a ton on Earth, and is seven feet high and ten feet long, plus an arm that extends out.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – February

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Supernova Age – A new analysis of a supernova remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud by scientists at Purdue University shows that the supernova should have been visible in the far south of Earth 1,700 years ago, but no record has been found of it having been seen.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – January

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Dark Matter Mystery Solved – In 2018 and 2019, astronomers reported finding two small galaxies that appeared to have little if any dark matter. This is unusual as essentially all galaxies measured for it contain far more dark matter than ordinary matter.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – December

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

OSIRIS-REx is the space probe that flew by the small near-Earth asteroid Bennu on October 20 and collected a sample of its surface material. When its controllers in mission control took images of the sample mechanism, they found that the sampling had been overly successful.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – November

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources 

Nobel Prizes – The Nobel Prize committee includes astronomy as part of physics and this year three astronomers split the physics prize. Roger Penrose received half of the award for his mathematical work on the properties, even existence, of black holes.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – August

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Mass Gap Breached – The largest known neutron star is about 2.2 times the mass of the Sun, which aligns with theoretical projections that predict a neutron star should collapse into a black hole at about this mass.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – July

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Relativity Test – One of the principles of Einstein’s theory of general relativity is that all different objects will fall at the same rate of acceleration at any given strength of gravity.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – May

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Earth-like Planet Found – An exoplanet has been found that is the closest yet to being the size and temperature of Earth. It was found by NASA scientists in archived Kepler data, and has been dubbed Kepler-1649c.… Continue reading.

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