Astro Update – August

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Mass Gap Breached – The largest known neutron star is about 2.2 times the mass of the Sun, which aligns with theoretical projections that predict a neutron star should collapse into a black hole at about this mass.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – July

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Relativity Test – One of the principles of Einstein’s theory of general relativity is that all different objects will fall at the same rate of acceleration at any given strength of gravity.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – May

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Earth-like Planet Found – An exoplanet has been found that is the closest yet to being the size and temperature of Earth. It was found by NASA scientists in archived Kepler data, and has been dubbed Kepler-1649c.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – April

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Betelgeuse – As reported here over the last two months, the star Betelgeuse dimmed to its lowest recorded level in early February. New observations made in late February showed it creeping back up in brightness.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – March

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

New Target For Lucy – The Trojan asteroids are found in two groups along Jupiter’s orbit, one group at a 60 degree angle ahead of the giant planet, and the other 60 degrees behind.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – February

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Betelgeuse, although long known to vary somewhat in brightness, is the dimmest it’s been in at least a century. Before these recent variations, it had been brighter than Rigel at its peak, but recently dimmed to the level of Bellatrix, dimmer than first magnitude.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – January

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Milky Way Disk – Astronomers have known for more than 20 years that the disk of our Milky Way galaxy consists of two distinct populations of stars, differing in age and composition with the “Thin Disk” embedded within the “Thick Disk.”… Continue reading.

Astro Update – November

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Physics Nobel Prize – Because the Nobel Prizes do not have a category strictly for astronomy, astronomers whose work merits the honor are awarded the Physics Nobel. Three astronomers received the 2019 Physics award.… Continue reading.

Astro Update, April 2019

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Selected Summaries of Space News

by Don Lynn

Asteroid Sampled

Hayabusa2 (a Japanese spacecraft) has touched down on its target, the asteroid Ryugu, and completed a procedure to fire a projectile into it and collect the debris blown off. Another sample will be taken from inside a fresh impact crater to find out what the inside of the asteroid is made of.… Continue reading.

Astro Update, March 2019

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Selected Summaries of Space News More New Horizons Results

More data has been received from the New Horizons spacecraft since its recent flyby of the Kuiper Belt object informally named Ultima Thule. One new result is that the larger of the object’s two lobes is not so much spherical, as thick-pancake-shaped.… Continue reading.

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