Upcoming Events Through June 9

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Astrophotography Special Interest Group, Members In-Reach: Galaxy Season!, Rocky Mountain Star Stare, Planet Parade, Cepheus, Draco, Ursa Major, Garnet Star, Cat’s Eye Nebula, Bode’s Galaxy, and the Cigar Galaxy, star charts, and more!



June 3: Planet Parade (4:53 am) https://earthsky.org/tonight/lineup-of-6-planets-morning-june-3-4-2024/… Continue reading.

Upcoming events Through June 1

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Night Sky Network Webinar, MakerSIG meeting, planets, star charts, and more!

May 28: Webinar: Brief History of Everything with Dr. Patrick C. Breysse

May 29: MakerSig Meeting

June 3-4: Six Planets Walk the Line


DAS Stargazing Forecast

ChamberlinObservatory Weather/Visibility Chart

Kline-Dodge Dark Site Weather/Visibility Chart

Viewing Resources

Night Sky Networks June Viewing Companion (Cepheus, Draco, Ursa Major, Herschel’s Garnet Star, Cat’s Eye Nebula)

Earth and Sky

Sky & Telescope Observing Notes

Sky Maps for June 2024

2023 DAS Annual Equipment Auction

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It’s time once again for our Annual Equipment Auction!! Saturday, October 21st, through Saturday, October 28th Bidding starts at 1am MDT Saturday morning! All proceeds from this year’s auction will benefit the DAS Kline-Dodge Dark Site https://www.denverastro.org/tag/kline-dodge-dark-site/ • Winning bidders must pick up their merchandise IN PERSON in Denver.… Continue reading.

Observing The S.M.A.R.T. Way

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By Mike Hotka

You have a telescope and take it out under dark skies, those skies that are full of stars. You look up in awe and then start trying to find something to look at. You may start out by viewing the solar system objects.… Continue reading.

Astronomy and Ramadan

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In response to a request that was originally received via the DAS Facebook page, DAS members Ron Hranac and Dena McClung joined members of the Rocky Mountain Islamic Center on the eastern edge of Sloan’s Lake on the evening of March 21 to attempt to spot the tiniest sliver of the newborn moon.… Continue reading.

The Sacred Emblem of Immortality

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By Daniel Acker

According to Egyptian records from about 2,000 BC, Cancer the Crab, as we know it today, was described as Scarabaeus, the sacred emblem of immortality. Much later, in Greek mythology, Cancer is associated with Hercules and Hydra, when Hercules was doing battle with the multi-headed Hydra and Hera, the disgruntled wife of Zeus, sent Cancer, the giant crab to help Hydra kill Hercules.… Continue reading.

Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse

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By Daniel Acker

The 1988 movie and now cult classic, Beetlejuice, is where most people will recognize this name from. However, the origin of the name is quite a bit older, and derives from the Arabic term bat al-jawzā, or “the giant’s shoulder”.… Continue reading.

Winners of the DAS Astrophotography Contest

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In mid-May the Denver Astronomical Society announced it was hosting an astrophotography contest open to all of its members. Over the next two months, members snapped away at the heavens, and submitted their best shots for consideration. Continue reading.

Opportunity Knocks: DAS to Help Douglas County with Astronomy Outreach… And All Are Invited!

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By Dena McClung

The Denver Astronomical Society is pleased to announce that it is partnering with Douglas County’s Open Space and Natural Resources department for a members-only program at Sandstone Ranch on Saturday, October 19. The event will show off the dark skies at the ranch, as well as help train and encourage members to get involved in future DAS public events.… Continue reading.

Monthly Skies, Summer 2019

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by Zachary Singer

My Friends,

It’s been four years since I came on as the Denver Observer’s editor and (soon after) writer of the “Monthly Skies” column. When I started, we were still putting out an eight-page PDF—it was accompanied by a printed black-and-white edition.… Continue reading.

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