Astro Update, February 2019

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Selected Summaries of Space News

by Don Lynn

Kuiper Belt Object Flyby

On December 31st, New Horizons (Pluto spacecraft) flew by the Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, since unofficially named Ultima Thule, at a distance of only 2200 miles, fervently taking images and other data.… Continue reading.

Lunar Eclipse Party Update

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We’ve been fielding questions these last few days about whether the DAS is hosting any activities for the upcoming Sunday, January 20th lunar eclipse.

While DAS is not having an event, Mile High Astronomy, run by our own Sorin, is—they’re roping off their parking lot, and bringing out their telescopes (including some of their newest models), and eyepieces, too.… Continue reading.

January Skies 2019

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by Zachary Singer


We start the first month of the New Year off with a splash—a total lunar eclipse on the night of January 20th. Along with that, we have planets and two targets in Eridanus—one is an important multiple-star system, and the other a striking planetary nebula.… Continue reading.

Astro Update, January 2019

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Selected Summaries of Space News

by Don Lynn

Phobos Grooves Explained

Since the first close-up images were taken of the Martian moon Phobos decades ago, scientists have argued about why there are long grooves on its surface. Leading theories were that the moon cracked from an impact or from tidal forces.… Continue reading.

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