How did it all begin for me?

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By Mike Hotka

In 1983, my family and I moved from San Antonio to Garland, TX. A short time after that, I learned of the Texas Astronomical Society and became a member.

In the process of moving our belongings to Garland, I decided to get my 12.5” f/8 Newtonian telescope operational.… Continue reading.

“It was just me and the infinite” – Jennifer Jones

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Jennifer Jones makes her living teaching astronomy, something few Denver Astronomical Society members can say. As the Astronomy Program Chair at Arapahoe Community College (ACC), she spends her days exploring the mysteries of the cosmos with her students. It’s the culmination of a lifelong love of science and discovery.… Continue reading.

Meet Fellow DAS Member – David Chandler

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By Mark Laurin

David Chandler has been an avid sky watcher for decades, and an active member of the Denver Astronomical Society. He’s also famous for inventing the Night Sky Planisphere, a ubiquitous star-finding tool that astronomers around the world use to spot stars and constellations in the night sky. 

The Sounds of Awe

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By Mark Laurin

Mark Laurin is an amateur astronomer, a member of the Denver Astronomical Society for more than 15 years and has been active in astronomy outreach in the communities around Summit County since 2014. Here he shares what got him started working with the public, and what keeps him going.… Continue reading.