President’s November Updates

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Hello, fellow DAS members. The President’s corner is back and there’s a lot to catch up on.

First, a big thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the recent Member Survey. We on the executive board are excited to receive your input, and are weighing how to best answer your questions and address the issues that were raised.… Continue reading.

President’s Corner – June

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Greetings, fellow Denver Astronomical Club members. I hope that the end of our rainy streak has enabled you to get out under relatively clear night skies and enjoy some long-overdue stargazing. I missed the spectacle of Mercury being higher in the sky than Venus, heading back outdoors apparently just a minute or two after Venus set.… Continue reading.

President’s Corner – May

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Many of you have made my day by replying to my May 4 all-member email, for which I am very grateful. Some had questions, some respond to specific requests for feedback and involvement, and others wanted to express their feelings about the unwelcome cancellations and changes that are the result of the coronavirus pandemic and the public health safety measures that had to be instituted.… Continue reading.

President’s Corner – April

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Hello, Members of the Denver Astronomical Society!

As your new club president, I have decided to resurrect the President’s Corner column in our monthly newsletter.

I believe that communication is the lifeblood of any organization. Without excellent communication, things fall through the cracks, people get disappointed, and messages get mixed or lost altogether.… Continue reading.

President’s Message, April 2019

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by Ed Ladner

First, let me express my appreciation to all the DAS members who participated in the most recent elections. Without your support, this Society could not exist.


I’d like to talk with you about volunteerism—the only thing that makes our Society work.… Continue reading.

President’s Message, March 2019

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Passing the Gavel

This month, we have a joint message, with Ron Hranac, our outgoing president, starting off. Ed Ladner, the DAS president-elect, follows…  —Editor

February’s well-attended annual membership meeting had a packed agenda, including election of Executive Board (“E-Board”) officers and trustees to serve a one-year term beginning later this month.… Continue reading.

President’s Message, February 2019

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Getting Involved

by Ron Hranac

Denver Astronomical Society is a volunteer-based organization that has been serving Colorado’s Front Range for nearly 70 years. Indeed, we wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the countless people who have made and continue to make DAS what it is today.… Continue reading.

President’s Message, January 2019

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State of the Society

By Ron Hranac

You may recall that we hit a major membership milestone in 2017, passing the 500 mark for the first time ever. As of December 26, 2018, the count was a record 563, up from 502 at the same time in 2017, 457 at the end of 2016, 428 in 2015 and the high 300s in 2014.… Continue reading.