Open to the Public

The Denver Astronomical Society hosts public events throughout the year as a part of our mission to increase public knowledge about astronomy, promote the importance of maintaining dark skies, and encourage careers in astronomy, space science, astrophysics, and other physical sciences. The DAS invites all with a curiosity about the cosmos to join.

DU's Historic Chamberlin Observatory

Open Houses

The DAS hosts a mini-star party at sundown on the south lawn of the University of Denver’s Historic Chamberlin Observatory every month. Weather permitting, look through the observatory’s 20-inch Alvan Clark-Saegmuller refractor telescope and meet fellow amateur stargazers with telescopes on the lawn out front. Ask the experts there about their equipment, or bring your own if you have questions about how it works and what to look at.

Astronomy Nights

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings (and some Saturdays), members of the public of all ages and experiences are invited to make a reservation at the University of Denver’s Historic Chamberlin Observatory for an informative multi-media astronomy presentation by a DAS lecturer. Weather permitting, they can also look through the observatory’s 20-inch Alvan Clark-Saegmuller refractor telescope. The cost is $10 for adults and $7 for students.

Due to safety considerations, children must be at least 42 inches tall to be admitted. While COVID-19 is no longer considered a pandemic emergency, masks are welcome and encouraged to help protect those who may be vulnerable.

Stargazing Events

The Denver Astronomical Society supports outside, independent educational astronomy and observing activities. The DAS can help organize educational star parties for schools, churches, civic groups, corporations, and other public and private events. DAS can provide telescope operators, docents, and speakers for lectures on astronomy. If you are interested in conducting such activities with the DAS, please contact the DAS External Committee at at least one month before the planned event.

DAS MEMBERS: We are always in need of volunteers. Please email if you can assist.

General Meetings

Open to members and non-members alike, the Monthly General Meetings feature club announcements, member observing reports, and a headline guest speaker. Speakers typically hail from one of Colorado’s many science or technical organizations and share their experiences on a wide range of astronomy topics.

Meetings are typically held at Peter Claver Hall Room 315, 3333 Regis Blvd, Denver, CO 80221, USA.
* Park in Lot 4, next to Claver Hall & follow the signs to Room 315.

For Members

Monthly In-Reach Events

Designed to educate newer and less-experienced members about astronomy, these monthly events are held at DU’s Historic Chamberlin Observatory and hosted by experienced club members.

Executive Board Meetings

The Executive Board’s officers and Trustees meet monthly to conduct the club’s financial and strategic business and make decisions. DAS members are encouraged to attend and share their opinions with the board.

Annual DAS Auction

Telescopes, binoculars, books, and accessories are donated to the DAS each year. Those not placed in the club’s Loaner Scope Program are auctioned to raise funds for the Van Nattan-Hansen-Anderson Scholarship Fund and DAS Kline-Dodge Dark Site operation and maintenance. In 2020, the format was moved to an online bidding process.

Spring Banquet

The March General Meeting is a special event for members. It is held at a selected venue, and dinner is included in the admission price. New officers and trustees are installed, awards are given to recipients, and a guest speaker gives a presentation.

Holiday Banquet

This event replaces the December General Meeting. Like the Spring Banquet, it is held at a selected venue and features a guest speaker presentation.

Summer Picnic

Usually, in conjunction with one of the summer Open Houses or In-Reach events, DAS hosts a potluck picnic on the lawn of DU’s Historic Chamberlin Observatory. The main entrée of this meal is catered by the Society, and members are encouraged to bring side dishes and desserts to share.