July 2024 picnic

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Approximately 60 DAS members gathered outdoors at Chamberlin Observatory on July 20 for the annual club picnic, and to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the organization. Brothers BBQ was the caterer for the event, bringing three delicious meats and some sides, as well as lemonade and iced tea. DAS members brought some yummy side dishes too, and so many desserts!

Setting the tone for the event was an ongoing playlist of astronomy-themed music supplied by Toby Sheets, who brought a first-rate audio setup with speakers, a mixer, and microphones. A few DAS members brought solar telescopes and set them up on the south side of Chamberlin Observatory for member and public viewing.

Once the diners had finished the main courses, it was asked that they hold some room for a special dessert. Then Dena McClung came to the microphone to make a special presentation: Toby Sheets is the winner of the Astronomical League’s 2024 Webmaster Award, and she had the large plaque in hand to deliver to him.

Next up, Joe Gafford delivered a eulogy for longtime DAS member Ivan Geisler, whose body was found in his home on July 2. Over the years, Ivan had held offices on the e-board as well as being a trustee. He taught astronomy classes at Chamberlin Observatory in the 1990s, and when the annual DAS auction was in-person, he was the auctioneer. Most recently he served on the VNHA scholarship committee.

After that, Joe, Dan Wray and Dena presented a proclamation from Denver Mayor Mike Johnston honoring the DAS on the occasion of our 75th anniversary. They each took a turn reading a portion of the major points in the history of the DAS, collected and written by Ron Hranac.

DAS has had stickers printed to commemorate this anniversary, and DAS member Bill Kast has made some buttons for this as well. Many were handed out at the picnic, but they will also be available at our next Open House on August 10, when we have a celebration open to the public. In the meantime, they will also be available at Public Nights on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

A sheet cake with an inscription reading “DAS 75th Anniversary 1949-2024” was presented for photos, and then cut and served.

The General Meeting Presentation was an informal affair, with the Mobile Earth & Space Observatory, parked on the south side of Chamberlin, open for tours and viewing with astrophysicists Ana Bucki Lopez and Dmitri Klebe on hand to answer questions. With multiple telescopes, displays, and other teaching tools, the MESO packs a lot of education into a small space that opens up into an outdoor learning area.

If you’ve never attended a DAS picnic, be sure to put it on your calendar for next year. These are a great way to meet other members, enjoy some delicious food, and find out what’s going on with the club, face to face with one another. Whether you come alone or bring the family, it’s an outing to be remembered.

And a special thanks to Dr. John Bickel for being our photographer for the event.