Astro Update – April

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Betelgeuse – As reported here over the last two months, the star Betelgeuse dimmed to its lowest recorded level in early February. New observations made in late February showed it creeping back up in brightness.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – February

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Betelgeuse, although long known to vary somewhat in brightness, is the dimmest it’s been in at least a century. Before these recent variations, it had been brighter than Rigel at its peak, but recently dimmed to the level of Bellatrix, dimmer than first magnitude.… Continue reading.

Astro Update – January

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Milky Way Disk – Astronomers have known for more than 20 years that the disk of our Milky Way galaxy consists of two distinct populations of stars, differing in age and composition with the “Thin Disk” embedded within the “Thick Disk.”… Continue reading.

Astro Update – December

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Astronomy and space news summarized by Don Lynn from NASA and other sources

Neutron Star Found – In 1987, astronomers witnessed the nearest supernova in hundreds of years explode in the nearby dwarf galaxy known as the Large Magellanic Cloud. Being the first observed of the year, the astronomical event was named SN 1987A.… Continue reading.

Opportunity Knocks: DAS to Help Douglas County with Astronomy Outreach… And All Are Invited!

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By Dena McClung

The Denver Astronomical Society is pleased to announce that it is partnering with Douglas County’s Open Space and Natural Resources department for a members-only program at Sandstone Ranch on Saturday, October 19. The event will show off the dark skies at the ranch, as well as help train and encourage members to get involved in future DAS public events.… Continue reading.

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