Whether you’re new to the hobby or looking to try out something different, the Denver Astronomical Society has a telescope loan program. With a range of different equipment available, it’s a great way to test out equipment for a month at a time. Loans are available to members in good standing, who have been a part of the society for at least three months (or 1 month for an 8-inch Dobsonian scope loan). You’ll need to submit a valid ID, a refundable $100 deposit and a filled-out Loan Contract to check out a telescope, subject to availability.
Contact scopeloans@denverastro.org for availability and specific details. Include your name, age, address, phone number, length of membership, and your intended use in your email. Policy and procedures are listed below.
The DAS offers a range of equipment in its loan program, subject to availability. More may be added in the future. If you have a telescope or other equipment you don’t want anymore, contact the telescope loan coordinator about a possible donation.

Celestron Newtonian on a Dobsonian mount
Number available: 1
Aperture: 8 inches (200 mm)
Mount: Dobsonian (alt-azimuth on swivel base)
Eyepieces: 25mm and 10mm (1.25″ diameter)
Finder scope: Telrad
Storage: Scope cover

Orion Newtonian on a Dobsonian Mount
Number available: 4
Aperture: 8 inches (200 mm)
Mount: Dobsonian (alt-azimuth on swivel base)
Eyepieces: 25mm and 10mm (1.25″ diameter)
Finder scope: Telrad
Storage: Scope cover

Coronado PST 40mm Solar Telescope
Number available: 1
Coronado 40mm Personal Solar Telescope (PST) (with case, eyepiece, and small tripod)
Celestron 5-Inch (C5) Schmidt-Cassegrain
Number available: 1
Motorized Equatorial Mount. C5 Celestron 5-inch SCT Eyepieces and case.

5-Inch Maksutov-Cassegrain Optical Tube
Number available: 1
OTA only

iOptron AZ mount; Pro with tripod
Number available: 1

Orion Binoculars 11x80mm
Number available: 1
OTA only. Can be mounted on 1/4×20 stud

Zhumell 10” Dobsonian mount
Number available: 1
Includes OTA, Mount, finder, 2”

Meade UAW eyepeices 30mm, 8.8mm, and 5.5mm
Number available: 3
EP only

Televue Radian EPs
14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5mm
Number available: 6
EP only
Scope Loan General Guidelines
The following provides more detail related to checking out a telescope.
- Email the coordinator, at scopeloans@denverastro.org, providing your name, age, address, phone number, and membership status (in years or months) and specify the telescope you would like to borrow and the intended use.
- The coordinator will contact you when your application has been approved and will communicate the availability of the requested telescope.
- Arrange with the coordinator a date and time for you to receive training on the operation and care of the telescope, pay your $100 security deposit, provide a copy of your driver’s license, and pick up the telescope.
- The person whose name is on the original request must pick up the telescope and receive training on its use.
- Download, fill out and return a copy of the Scope Loan Contract to the coordinator, which will include acknowledgement of deposit payment and the required return date, will be provided when the equipment is picked up.
- Return the equipment at the end of the loan period. A loan extension for one additional month may be granted if no other loan requests are pending and the coordinator is contacted at least one week before the end of the original loan period.