As one of the largest astronomy clubs in the country, the Denver Astronomical Society continues to grow and inspire amateur astronomers of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to stargazing or a seasoned observer, you might be starting to plan what celestial wonders to explore this year or looking for ways to reignite your passion for the night sky. One thing you might do to make your stargazing more meaningful is consider joining an observing program through the Astronomical League (membership in the AL is included with your DAS membership). Journaling your observations through these programs is a great way to remember what you’ve seen and track your progress. The AL has programs for beginners and experts alike, where you can earn certificates and pins for completing observation challenges. But regardless of whether you choose to take part in an observing program or not, this guide will help you discover (or possibly rediscover) the many incredible targets visible in 2025. Be sure to read our upcoming posts When to Explore the 2025 Denver Night Skies and Where to Explore the 2025 Denver Night Skies.

There are 88 constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union, mapping the entire sky. While this might sound like a lot, not all of these constellations are visible from Denver’s roughly 40° latitude. Additionally, many constellations are seasonal, offering variety throughout the year. Studying asterisms, such as the Summer Triangle or Winter Triangle, can also help beginners navigate and memorize the night sky.
- Naked Eye: Learning constellations like Orion, Ursa Major, and Scorpius is a great way to navigate the night sky. In Denver, brighter constellations are visible, but darker locations are needed to fully appreciate their starry connections.
- Binoculars and Telescopes: While binoculars and telescopes are typically not used to view entire constellations, they are great for exploring individual stars, clusters, and deep space objects found within the constellation boundaries. These targets are discussed below.
For more detailed exploration, consider using a planisphere or astronomy app, like Stellarium, that can help you identify and track constellations throughout the year. Another great way to learn the constellations is through the Astronomical League’s Constellation Hunter Program, which encourages learning the patterns of constellations by observing and sketching them.
The Moon

Often overlooked as an astronomical target, its brightness can make it difficult to observe fainter deep-space objects during its fuller phases. However, it remains a fascinating and rewarding object to explore in detail. The moon is one of the easiest objects to observe and offers something to see no matter your equipment:
- Naked Eye: You can enjoy the moon’s phases, from the thin crescent to the bright full moon. Light pollution has little effect on moon observation, so it’s easy to view even from the heart of Denver.
- Binoculars: With binoculars, you can see craters, mountains, and “seas” on the moon’s surface. The terminator line (where light meets shadow) is the best place to spot details.
- Telescope: A telescope reveals individual craters like Tycho or Copernicus, along with intricate details of the lunar surface that are simply stunning.
To aid in your exploration of the moon, try using a moon map or the Carpe Lunam guide from the Astronomical League. To make your moon-gazing more meaningful, consider joining the Astronomical League’s Lunar Observing Program, which provides 100 features on the moon to track with the naked eye, binoculars and telescopes during its different phases.
Our Solar System

The planets and other celestial bodies traversing our solar system are fascinating to observe as they change position in the night sky throughout the year:
- Naked Eye: Bright planets like Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars will be visible at different times of the year. Venus, often called the “Evening Star” or “Morning Star,” shines brightly in the early evening or just before sunrise. Jupiter and Saturn, with their steady glow, are also easy to spot even in areas with moderate light pollution.
- Binoculars: With binoculars, you can spot Jupiter’s four largest moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Watch over a few nights, and you’ll notice them move! For better viewing, a trip to a darker location will enhance the clarity.
- Telescope: A small telescope will show Saturn’s rings and Jupiter’s colorful cloud bands. You might even catch a glimpse of Mars’ polar ice caps when it’s closest to Earth. While planets remain visible from urban areas, dark skies make subtle details sharper and more vivid.
To track the planets through the night sky, try using either a monthly sky map or an astronomy app, like Stellarium. The Solar System Observing Program: from the Astronomical League will guide you in observing planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and even the Sun (using proper solar filters).
Conjunctions, Occultations, and Eclipses

As the celestial bodies in our solar system dance across the deeper space objects in the night sky, they sometimes align in fascinating ways. These events provide exciting opportunities to observe their movements and interactions.
- Naked Eye: Conjunctions, such as Venus and Jupiter appearing close together, are often visible to the naked eye and can be enjoyed even in light-polluted skies like Denver’s. Occultations of brighter objects, like the moon passing in front of a planet, are also easy to observe without equipment. Eclipses, especially a total lunar eclipse, can captivate with their dramatic transitions. When viewing solar eclipses, always use proper eye protection to prevent damage to your eyes.
- Binoculars: Binoculars provide a closer look at conjunctions, allowing you to see finer details of the celestial objects involved. For occultations, binoculars help emphasize the precise moment when one object covers another. During a lunar eclipse, binoculars bring out the subtle red hues and textures of the shadowed moon.
- Telescope: A telescope offers the most detailed view of these events. You can observe intricate surface details of planets during conjunctions or track the edge of the moon as it occults a star. During a lunar eclipse, telescopes reveal the fine variations in the moon’s color and the crisp boundary of Earth’s shadow. For solar eclipses, a proper sun filter is essential to protect both your eyes and your equipment. Telescopes also enhance views of fainter objects involved in these alignments, which are more noticeable in darker locations.
These celestial alignments are a testament to the dynamic nature of our solar system and offer countless opportunities to marvel at the night sky. Planning to observe these dynamic events is easy using either a monthly sky map or an astronomy app, like Stellarium. Another way to really dive deep into these celestial events is to join the Astronomical League’s Solar System Observing Program.
The Stars

Stars are the building blocks of the night sky and offer endless opportunities for exploration. This includes observing double stars and multiple star systems:
- Naked Eye: You can spot bright stars like Sirius, Vega, and Betelgeuse. In urban Denver, brighter stars are easily visible, but dimmer stars require darker skies.
- Binoculars: Binoculars reveal more stars in the night sky and help bring out star clusters, such as the Hyades and the Pleiades. For fainter stars, traveling to a darker area is beneficial.
- Telescope: Telescopes allow you to explore double stars and variable stars. For example, try observing the double star Albireo in Cygnus, which displays stunning blue and gold hues. Another favorite is Mizar and Alcor in the Big Dipper, which is a visual double star visible even in light-polluted skies. For more of a challenge, observe the triple star system Beta Monocerotis or the colorful pair in Eta Cassiopeiae. Dark skies make it easier to observe the dimmest stars and star systems.
There are many tools you can use to assist in finding all of these wonders in the night sky. For bright named stars in constellations, consider using a planisphere. For more detailed maps of constellations, you may want to get a star atlas. Astronomy apps, like Stellarium can also be useful in finding these targets. As with the other objects on this list, the Astronomical League has several observing programs dedicated to stars that include: the Double Star Program, Binocular Double Star Program, Variable Star Observing Program, Binocular Variable Star Observing Program, and the Multiple Star Observing Program, and more.
Deep Space Objects

Deep space objects, like star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies have been cataloged by astronomers going back hundreds of years by scientists such as Messier, Caldwell, Herschel, Dreyer, and others. Often times these objects are referred to by their catalog numbers instead of names (such as M41 or NGC 2287). These objects are some of the most awe-inspiring sights in the night sky:
- Naked Eye: In very dark skies, you can see the Andromeda Galaxy as a faint smudge and perhaps catch the glow of the Milky Way stretching across the sky. Light pollution in Denver largely washes these out, so traveling to a darker site is essential.
- Binoculars: Binoculars make the Andromeda Galaxy clearer and bring out bright star clusters like the Pleiades and the Beehive Cluster. You can also spot some of the brightest nebulae, like the Orion Nebula. While possible in urban settings, these objects are far more vivid in darker skies.
- Telescope: A telescope reveals incredible details, like the swirling structure of the Orion Nebula and the dense ball of stars in globular clusters like M13 in Hercules. You can also explore fainter galaxies and planetary nebulae, but dark skies are critical for spotting dimmer objects.
Finding these these objects in the night sky takes some effort. To assist you in finding them, consider purchasing or checking out from a library a star atlas. Astronomy apps, like Stellarium can also be useful in finding deep sky objects. The Astronomical League has a few observing programs that correspond with the aforementioned catalogues, such as: the Messier Program, Binocular Messier Program, Caldwell Program, Herschel Program, Globular Cluster Program, Open Cluster Program, and others.

Meteor showers are a favorite event for many stargazers:
- Naked Eye: Denver’s dark skies make meteor showers extra special. The Perseids and the Geminids are two of the best. Just lie back on a blanket, and you could see dozens of “shooting stars” per hour! However, light pollution can reduce the number of meteors you see. To enjoy the full show, head to a dark-sky area.
- Binoculars/Telescope: While meteor showers are best enjoyed with the naked eye, you can use binoculars or a telescope to observe trails left by particularly bright meteors (bolides).
Keeping tabs on meteor showers is all based on timing. A great resource to track when these showers happen and where they will radiate from is the International Meteor Organization. And of course, the Astronomical League has an Meteor Observing Program that offers a certificate and a pin for your efforts.
Keep Looking Up
While these are some of the most accessible observing programs offered through the Astronomical League, there are many more programs available for both beginner and the more seasoned astronomers using the gamut of astronomical equipment from naked eyes, to binoculars, to traditional telescopes, to imaging, to radio telescopes. There’s truly an observing program for everyone regardless of your experience, viewing choice, or astronomical target preference. Feel free to reach out to an Observing Challenges Awards Coordinator or the DAS Astronomical League Coordinator if you have further questions. With so much to see, 2025 is a fantastic year to start or continue your journey into the stars. Check out our upcoming companion posts where we dive into the best times to see all of these astronomical objects and events and the best locations in Denver and surrounding areas to observe these celestial targets, helping you make the most of your experience. Clear skies and happy stargazing!