What’s Up in Denver? January 27th through February 2nd, 2025

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Here’s a brief look at what’s going on in the skies above the Mile High City this week.

January 27:

Photo by DAS Member Isaac Garfinkle. GSO RC10 (reduced to f/5.8), ZWO ASI2600MM-P, Chroma 3nm Ha/O3/S2 filters. *H-alpha = 25 * 120s,*O3 = 25 * 120s, *S2 = 25 * 120s, Total Integration - 2.5hr
Photo by DAS Member Isaac Garfinkle. GSO RC10 (reduced to f/5.8), ZWO ASI2600MM-P, Chroma 3nm Ha/O3/S2 filters. *H-alpha = 25 * 120s,*O3 = 25 * 120s, *S2 = 25 * 120s, Total Integration – 2.5hr


  • If you’re planning to to take part in the NASA/AL Hubble Night Sky Challenge, for either the January (Silver) or the entire year (Gold), this is the last week to complete your observations.
  • DAS E-Board Meeting: 7:00 PM (more info)

January 28:

By NASA, ESA, AURA/Caltech, Palomar ObservatoryThe science team consists of: D. Soderblom and E. Nelan (STScI), F. Benedict and B. Arthur (U. Texas), and B. Jones (Lick Obs.)
Photo by NASA, ESA, AURA/Caltech, Palomar Observatory. D. Soderblom and E. Nelan (STScI), F. Benedict and B. Arthur (U. Texas), and B. Jones (Lick Obs.)


  • Look for the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, high in the night sky throughout the winter months. This stunning cluster, located in the constellation Taurus, consists of young, hot blue stars that have captivated stargazers for millennia.
  • Join the NASA Night Sky Network at 7:00 PM MST with Dr. Michael Seiffert who will discuss the Euclid space telescope and the search for dark energy and dark matter. (Live stream and recording)

January 29:

Photo by NASA, ESA, and STScI
Photo by NASA, ESA, and STScI


  • Like the Pleiades mentioned above, look for the Hyades cluster to be prominently visible high in the night sky near the bright star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. As the closest open star cluster to Earth, the Hyades form a distinctive V-shape and offer a stunning view of ancient, cooler red and orange stars.
  • New Moon at 5:35 AM
  • DAS Maker Special Interest Group Meeting (more info)

January 30:

  • Making Measurements Over Millions of Miles Virtual Astronomy Program presented by Standley Lake Stargazing : 6:00 PM MST (more info)

January 31:

Saturn and Venus and a two-day-old crescent moon on January 31st just after sunset. Image created with Stellarium.
Saturn and Venus and a two-day-old crescent moon on January 31st just after sunset. Image created with Stellarium.


  • Look for a waxing crescent moon along with Saturn and Venus in the southwestern skies right after sunset.
  • Dark Sky Weekend at the Kline-Dodge Dark Sky Site for DAS Members (more info) 

February 1 and February 2:

  • Dark Sky Weekend at the Kline-Dodge Dark Sky Site for DAS Members (more info) 

This Week’s Meteoric Activity:

  • Anthelion (ANT): 1:00 AM local time in central Cancer: 3 per hour
  • Alpha Antliids (AAN): 2:00 AM local time in western Sextans: 1 per hour
  • Comae Berenicids (COM): 5:00 AM local time in southern Coma Berenices: 1 per hour

Clear skies and happy stargazing!